June 2020

Hitherbest marks 35 successful years in business


Hitherbest will be marking its 35-year anniversary on the 19th June and is looking forward to a bright future, despite the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the UK economy.

Hitherbest is a second-generation family business, which was established by the late Chris Evans in 1985, and is now owned by Chris’ daughter and company Director, Dr Nicky Evans. While the company has changed hands, its mission has remained the same – to support UK manufacturing by providing an outstanding sheet metal fabrication service, underpinned by exceptional customer care. Hitherbest is certified to the internationally recognised quality-management standard ISO 9001:2015 and scored in excess of 9/10 across all measures in a 2019 customer satisfaction survey.

While the management team acknowledge that the coronavirus pandemic has been a challenge, they are cautiously optimistic for the future. After a decline in sales in April and May, orders have started to approach pre-pandemic levels as more manufacturing businesses resume their operations. The company have also sold their first own-brand products, designed to help businesses like theirs, as well as public sector organisations, implement government guidance on working safely during the COVID-19 emergency. They include a range of steel stencils for painting social distancing notices on floors and walls, and wall-mounted hygiene stations that enable organisations to provide sanitising gel, spray and disposable tissues near high-use areas such as entry and exit points.

Hitherbest saw a record number of enquiries in 2019, a 46% increase on 2018, which they attribute to their reputation for excellence and a highly successful digital marketing campaign. This growing interest in the company, together with a plan to launch a consumer-facing subsidiary company in late 2020/ early 2021, has generated real momentum within the company. Managing Director, Peter Grant, said “We decided to play our part in protecting the supply chain by trading through the COVID-19 period and, thanks to the flexibility of our skilled workforce and our ability to react quickly, the company is now in a strong position to benefit from future opportunities. We have seen a marked increase in approaches from companies developing new products, introducing Hitherbest to new sectors, which is testament to the willingness of companies and individuals to find positives out of change. We are here to support you in your endeavours and look forward to the challenge”.

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